Author Liliya Kastalskaya

What are Karma and Karmic Nodes?

This Article reveals all the secrets of karma, all the pitfalls and talks about how to build your life
In connection with my work in which I conduct annihilation (transformation) of karmic nodes, astrological consultations and tarot divination, I often come across the fact that people are trying to get out of difficult, repetitive situations, but do not understand at all how to do it and why troubles happen to them.

Someone, of course, is familiar with the understanding of the word KARMA and KARMIC KNOT, someone just heard, but did not think, and someone is not at all familiar. Because I decided to write an article about this
What is karma?
Reincarnation is the idea of ​ ​ rebirth of the soul (essence) in different bodies and not always human. Socrates and Plato are known to have shared this idea. You can test it on yourself, too.
So, Karma in translation from the Sanskrit language is an act, the reason is a consequence, a reward, an action. The totality of human actions and their consequences, determining the fate and nature of his new birth, determining whether he will experience suffering or pleasure. Thus, it turns out that our present and future depend on our actions and thoughts, performed now or in the past.

This conclusion is interesting in that it emphasizes individual responsibility for what we are doing.

At the same time, we are given a greater degree of freedom of choice: we have the right to choose our own destiny, because our future will depend on the purity of thoughts and actions. On the other hand, the past, accumulated karma shows how the result of our actions is how we live now.

Without the concept of reincarnation, it is impossible to explain the law of karma. Reincarnation is the idea of ​ ​ rebirth of the soul (essence) in different bodies, and not always human. Socrates and Plato are known to have shared this idea. You can test it on yourself, too. Do you remember that you know something or know how, or do you do something well, although you did not study or make special efforts to develop this skill, this skill?

So, this is the memory of your cells, your subconscious from past incarnations.

It is important to note that karma is not a punishment or retribution, although it can be translated this way. Karma is the consequences a person gets based on how they used to live.

There is no influence of providence, because a person has already predetermined a situation in the past and decided for himself and decides what will be best for him.

A person can decide for himself how to behave in order to maximize fate in this and the next incarnations.

Moreover, our actions can be conscious and not conscious. Any action, thought (and it is also an action) affects the environment in one way or another. And even if immediately, as a result of wrong actions, no reactions from the universe followed, this does not mean at all that it will not be necessary to be responsible for what was done. The fatal consequences will surely catch up in the future.

Often I hear people talk about injustice. That, for example, someone was hit on the head and the bag was taken away or, worse, knocked to death, violating traffic rules. But this is precisely karmic justice, for in the universe everything is calculated and our human mind does not understand much.

Unfortunately, negative karmic "accumulations" can spread to children and relatives, grandchildren of an individual. And it makes a lot of sense to clean up karma in order to make room for positive events in your life and the lives of relatives and children.

Karmic nodes in a person's fate have become a serious object of attention of psychologists, esotericists, magicians. And in order to understand what this thing is, we figured out what KARMA is.
What are karmic knots?
Now let's figure out what are the KARMIC KNOTS? Professional mystics believe that these are intractable problems, complex crises, a way out of which is very difficult to find. Karmic nodes have a direct relationship with relationships between individuals. And in the future they affect both financial income and health.
Such Nodes prevent the soul from developing and learning new layers of reality. For my part, I will say that the nodes are tied based on human karma.

Their signs can always be seen in recurring problems and crisis, tense situations, which are difficult to get out of, which cause PAIN. These situations often involve souls (people) who have already met in past incarnations. They communicated and there was an exchange of energy between them. Based on situations, karmic knots were tied, they had either a destructive or creative nature.

And accordingly, if the nature of communication was destructive and the souls did not exhaust resentments, claims and distrust against each other, then the node will be destructive. He will constantly remind of himself, making him look back, including on a subconscious level,

Take a lot of energy and thereby increase the node. Moreover, roles can change. To work out old karmic debts, when meeting with "old acquaintances," the "victim and offender" can mirror. Tell me, can you ride a horse and still look back?
Karmic nodes provoke you to certain actions between people, for example:
  • 1
    You really want to part with someone, but the situation is developing so that it is impossible and takes a lot of effort
  • 2
    You have already broken up with someone, and mentally often return to situations related to this person, maybe you are angry with him or yearn for him
  • 3
    You broke up with a person, as it seems to you, out of stupidity and in no way manage to reconcile or get close, he does not hear, but really wants to be together
  • 4
    You are always or often visited by the fear of losing a child, parent, husband, wife, relatives
  • 5
    At work with someone, constant conflicts, or someone all the time "puts sticks in the wheels"
  • 6
    There is a teacher at school who has a negative attitude and underestimates the marks
  • 7
    The question of business separation, financial disagreements, bankruptcy, inheritance division is not resolved in any way.
  • 8
    Perhaps someone affected your reputation negatively and because of this, your career collapsed.
  • 9
    Due to negligence, your health was harmed by medical personnel.
  • 10
    An accident on the road where you lose money, time and nerves.
  • 11
    Constant disputes with mom, dad, children, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, relatives.
  • 12
    Someone in the close circle has died, and you often remember him, fragments of life with him and grieve.
  • 13
    For unknown reasons, the "cash flow" was blocked, continuous losses, it is impossible to get out.
All these situations are noticeable and unnoticed for you require a huge amount of energy. They pull you back a lot, taking away strength, health, money. Think!!! Remember them!!! They slow down on the way to success, overshadow the future, confuse, immerse you in low-frequency vibrations.

And here it is important to understand how I am filled, then it is attracted to me. Hence the repetition of situations. It is impossible to pour a glass of water if the previous liquid is not poured out of it. Therefore, you need annihilation, transformation of karma, and as a result - an increase in your energy.

Also, the distorted energy of karmic nodes creates conditions when insurmountable circumstances interfere with the achievement of the desired goal. You have little time, energy, money, rights or other resources to move towards the dream.

At different age stages, similar difficulties arise. Perhaps from childhood, a feeling that causes severe discomfort appears in the soul. It can be dissatisfaction with life, a sense of self-inferiority or "unnecessary." Sometimes such a nightmare becomes the feeling that people around you despise you, consider you a fool or do not take you seriously, betray you.
Karmic nodes need to live and understand their meaning. This is what I help to figure out.

Some people, extremely concerned about repetitive situations causing them negative emotions, equate unleashing - the annihilation of karmic nodes - with the meaning of life. Tired of problems and fears, many already understand that through people they are rewarded for their act, and the faster it is annihilated, the faster they will come to a calm, happy and rich life.

Let's figure out what is annihilation?
Annihilation of Karmic nodes
Annihilation translated from Latin annihilatio - destruction, cancellation.

What is needed to destroy, dissolve negative karma, destructive programs? What is needed to cancel a number of negative situations and replace them with positive ones?

It is always joyful to hear feedback from people when they tell that exhausting clarifications of relationships, from screams, turn to harmonious communication. The source of pain disappears from your life and you stop thinking about it. So many couples thus build relationships. And one lady had a crisis associated with money, and in the end, this crisis was resolved, and relations with her husband were lined up - after 18 years of marriage they became even better, relations with the eldest son became beautiful and life was painted with other colors.

It also happens that the person who harmed comes a karmic lesson. So it was recently that a person was threatened with bankruptcy and, as a result, confiscation of property, but after our work, the situation unfolded exactly the opposite.

And it often happens that after the annihilation process, a person unexpectedly receives a large amount of money, a large gift. For example, an ex-husband bought an unexpected ticket to Turkey for a girl and daughter, and then his father-in-law brought money for vacation expenses.

Or love comes to a person, which he never dreamed of. There was a situation in a woman of pre-retirement age. A man suddenly really fell in love with her, and his happiness. Often comes recovery, getting rid of bad habits, raising at work, the child gets the opportunity for budget training, disputes stop, fears go away, relationships with relatives, friends, etc. Internal calm comes, self-confidence increases.

And another important detail of this process is that if the person with whom the knot is untied can understand his mistakes and not get a lesson - training, he also has a breakthrough and something will come to him that he did not expect at all or, on the contrary, really wanted for a long time. The process also has a very positive effect on health, immunity increases, because a lot of energy is returned, which was trapped in the node.
How this process of annihilation, unraveling of nodes occurs:
  • 1
    We contact you by phone or other type of communication convenient for you and discuss your problem for 15 minutes
  • 2
    You need to understand that you are already ready to change your life for the better and trust the Laws of the Universe
  • 3
    From me personally, no interference is happening!!! I just explain to you what the essence of the process is and how it is favorable to understand it
  • 4
    The person with whom the knot is untied will also benefit, and what kind of Heaven will decide.
  • 5
    The process requires a candle and a connection with me
  • 6
    You need to clearly understand that annihilation, karmic nodes - this does not mean that you will definitely ruin the relationship forever or lose the look of the person with whom the nodes are untied. By no means, often people simply leave your field of vision, either you remain friends, or married couples become stronger. There is a better understanding.
  • 7
    You need to understand that this process takes place in the Higher Layers of the Ecumenical Mind and part of it, in the form of eventuality, will be very noticeable at once, and part will be stretched in time, because work takes place in the Akasha Chronicles, changes are underway at the karmic, cellular, DNA level.
  • 8
    You need to understand that our body is matter, and in order for the result to be better, you will need to follow several of my easy recommendations - exercises.
  • 9
    Part of this process is forgiving yourself and another person
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    You need to understand that I am an intermediary in this process, and everything that is mentioned in it is confidential information and does not go beyond it.
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    I have been working professionally in this direction for 13 years and for such work you can meet both in person and on the Internet or by phone. The main thing is to hear each other.
  • 12
    I accompany you as much as you need and answer all related questions.
  • 13
    You need to understand that this is a huge mental effort, and only sincerity and diligence will help us to lead everything to the best result.
Already many people live and rejoice after our interaction. I rejoice with them in their success - who is next?) Remember, any situation can be changed.
Author Liliya Kastalskaya
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