Author Lilia Kastalskaya
astrologer and healer
Aquarius era is gaining strength

On December 19, Jupiter is a planet of great happiness, catches up with Saturn and enters the sign of Aquarius and connects with it. So, already two big planets in Vodolya and will be there for a whole year.

They open a whole huge period of 200 years, open, I would even say - "doors to Space."

After all, before these planets United in earthly signs and directed the vector of attention to the earthly, material spheres of life.
What is this sign - Aquarius?
The elements are air. The ruler of the planet Uranus is atomic energy. Where he comes, nothing will have to be saved there. What do you think? After the atomic explosion, can something be reconstructed? I mean, I want you to understand how much the old system will collapse. Uranus's vector of attention will be directed to the Laws of the Universe, and Saturn and Jupiter will be some allies in combining these laws with the Earth. Think...

Recall from the past post - this sign gives multilateralism, energism, friendliness, originality, reformism, revolutionary, ingenuity, irresponsibility in the worst version of manifestation, not attachment, freedom love, wayward, tolerance, capriciousness, sincerity, radicalism, determination, intuitiveness, luck, observation, contact, innovation, alternative.

The divers were miserably lucky! Well, those who have planets in the sign Aquarius or ascendant in Aquarius or the Moon in Aquarius. Or you will be carried when these planets do positive things to your planets in the horoscope.

What do you mean, lucky? You can ask the Capricorns, it was they who were lucky in 2020, these big planets went by their sign))
And if except for jokes. Then yes! Of course, this is luck when such powerful energy passes through you. This of course speaks of global changes, transformations that always occur in parallel with effort and tension.

Because, just pump into yourself all the qualities of Aquarius that I wrote and on the way. And if an idea comes to you, a thought - then do not flip it, maybe there is that luck that will suddenly open a new, better for you.

Choose below what will respond to you?
Fun times are coming!!!
Jupiter will promote reform and change, increase the fragment of friendliness.
The authority of public figures will increase.
Will increase the desire of people to engage in occultism, philosophy, astrology, the laws of karma, reincarnation, new movements.
It will increase the serious and prudent search for a new one.

It will expand the activity of developing the personality and showing each person his abilities.
It will increase the willingness to experiment, humanism, peacefulness and contact.

Jupiter will increase the ability to perceive new, to be open to new progressive concepts, to experiment and reject customs and traditions when they cease to play a positive role in life.

It will broaden the view of the world and help to switch from its problems and see new horizons.

Will teach you how to use new technologies in your life.
He will teach to see lies and divide them from the truth, will revolutionize what he sees as lies hiding behind the truth.

From May 14 to July 28, he will go in the sign of Pisces and "your third eye")) will show you what will happen in your life throughout 2022. Remember these "visions," because you will build on the events of this period in 2022.

- From June 21 - October 18, 2021 Jupiter will be in retrograde motion.
- From May 23 to October 11, 2021 Saturn will be in retrograde motion
There will be some setbacks in life in business, but without such polishing we are not allowed forward. Welcome thank you.

Congratulations to us all!!! URRRRA!!!
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